
The tables below have the smart contract addresses for Rubicon across all networks.

Please note that Rubicon utilizes the transparent upgradeable proxy standard (opens in a new tab). You can view each proxy contract's underlying implementation on the block explorer.

Live Deployments


Contract NameAddress
RubiconMarket0x7a512d3609211e719737E82c7bb7271eC05Da70d (opens in a new tab)
RubiconRouter0x7Af14ADc8Aea70f063c7eA3B2C1AD0D7A59C4bFf (opens in a new tab)
MarketAidFactory0x267D94C6e67e4436EFfE092b08d040cFF36B2DA7 (opens in a new tab)


Contract NameAddress
RubiconMarket0xc715a30fde987637a082cf5f19c74648b67f2db8 (opens in a new tab)
RubiconRouter0x7b24e6f4dd84674696c2a5809c24154ec6ac7f03 (opens in a new tab)
MarketAidFactory0x6CB24A263732579EfD56f3E071851e989d78cE75 (opens in a new tab)


Contract NameAddress
RubiconMarket0x9A5215E96E1185d4e6002C95C3Cc0aB6eEaD354F (opens in a new tab)
RubiconRouter0x929675f6a6aC12D7cC3463BE1df7221ca35b8a00 (opens in a new tab)
MarketAidFactory0xc2b33a7601f3f0ecFF2eE4b5b7c647770069A836 (opens in a new tab)

Testnet Deployments

List of contract addresses on various test networks. Includes addresses for test tokens with a built-in faucet, you can mint these tokens by calling faucet() on the contract or by using the Faucet button in the app.

Arbitrum Goerli

Contract NameAddress
RubiconMarket0xD07A15483EedF002eE1F16D0CA62b6488CF1fd0D (opens in a new tab)
RubiconRouter0x237e9c663b7b61bcead9503dd5770e8e07465471 (opens in a new tab)
MarketAidFactory0x746750031Cc56Ccb386D9a6a0fcAb34C0A138BbD (opens in a new tab)
WETH0x175A6D830579CAcf1086ECC718fAB2A86b12e0D3 (opens in a new tab)
USDC0x34cB584d2E4f3Cd37e93A46A4C754044085439b4 (opens in a new tab)
TEST0x83250b2783554D4D401c45c39fF8A161dE44BC15 (opens in a new tab)
USDT0x6ABc1231d85D422c9Fe25b5974B4C0D4AB85d9b5 (opens in a new tab)
DAI0xb37b4399880AfEF7025755d65C193363966b8b89 (opens in a new tab)
WBTC0x710c1A969cbC8ab5644571697824c655ffBDE926 (opens in a new tab)

Optimism Goerli

Contract NameAddress
RubiconMarket0x9d0D6c259566d8161a1b2c513af0463992db38bc (opens in a new tab)
RubiconRouter0x0a0795d7015aB52BcDd987975474bD73062B5494 (opens in a new tab)
MarketAidFactory0x267D94C6e67e4436EFfE092b08d040cFF36B2DA7 (opens in a new tab)
WETH0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006 (opens in a new tab)
OP0xCeE7148028Ff1B08163343794E85883174a61393 (opens in a new tab)
USDC0xe432f229521eE954f80C83257485405E3d848d17 (opens in a new tab)
testWETH0x54e63385c13ECbE3B859991eEdad539d9fDa1167 (opens in a new tab)

Polygon Mumbai

Contract NameAddress
RubiconMarket0x10418D9e730fa659b0Baf0b640ee41FcF4EA2aaE (opens in a new tab)
RubiconRouter0xbA81dF0251A017C2fB687e5469a897529442f008 (opens in a new tab)
MarketAidFactory0x4841DcC66F6CfC600382ec98f34d43332c535B9B (opens in a new tab)
WETH0xE412a307764cCBE02E055e926516ebD74230cfE0 (opens in a new tab)
USDC0xcC5f8571D858DAD7fA2238FB9df4Ad384493013C (opens in a new tab)
TEST0x6aeda41c98ab5399044fc36162B57d39c13b658a (opens in a new tab)
USDT0x97fcdaA045F4a3Bc8Fc7ad721EFf38d66B234C7F (opens in a new tab)
DAI0xAb647DF8262580c1caB61Eb165B22616365d3C67 (opens in a new tab)
WBTC0x639C6472C45037F7aA868729dFfF69eB3843f1A0 (opens in a new tab)

Deprecated Deployments

List of contract addresses that are no longer in use. Interacting with these contracts is not recommended. If you have tokens in the V1 pools, you can withdraw on the app (opens in a new tab) or by calling the withdraw() function on the relevant bathToken contract.

Contract NameAddress
BathHouse V10x203328C161D23dCEee3E439DeEB25cA19e2c4984 (opens in a new tab)
BathPair0xF8780E00Ce8ed2e79aeC10908a169900eD1D4AFe (opens in a new tab)
bathETH0xB0bE5d911E3BD4Ee2A8706cF1fAc8d767A550497 (opens in a new tab)
bathWBTC0x7571CC9895D8E997853B1e0A1521eBd8481aa186 (opens in a new tab)
bathUSDC0xe0e112e8f33d3f437D1F895cbb1A456836125952 (opens in a new tab)
bathUSDT0xfFBD695bf246c514110f5DAe3Fa88B8c2f42c411 (opens in a new tab)
bathDAI0x60daEC2Fc9d2e0de0577A5C708BcaDBA1458A833 (opens in a new tab)
bathSNX0xeb5F29AfaaA3f44eca8559c3e8173003060e919f (opens in a new tab)
bathOP0x574a21fE5ea9666DbCA804C9d69d8Caf21d5322b (opens in a new tab)